Prof. Dr. Maria D. Voeikova
Recent projects
2014-2016 «Mechanisms of Russian Language Acquisition and the Emergence of communicative Competence at the early stages of Child Development»
2014-2016 «The semantic-syntactic Component of the integrated Corpus Description of russian Grammar»
2014-2015 «Formation of Child Language: Norms and Pathologies»
2012-2014 «Creation of a syntactic catalogue for the Russian National Corpus»
2012-2013 «Communicative Conventions of Spoken Language»
2012-2013 «Creation of a Corpus of Child Language: Norm and Pathology»
2006-2008 «Collection and Analysis of Data in the Format of the Russian National Corpus: Texts from Academia and Social Journalism of the XIX century and Russian Spoken Language of the XIX century»